Ok,Sebenarnya ini sudah ada di exploit-id dan web" lainnya.
saya disini hanya menjelaskan beberapa kalimat agar bisa anda mengerti dan anda ketahui,
Ok sekarang Simak Kata ini :
Dork :
1) intitle:Real Estates Property inurl:property_listings_detail.php?listingid=
2) intitle:Real Estates Property inurl:Project-Shree_Balaji_-Ahmedabad-4
3) intitle:Real Estates Property inurl:my_account_edit_builder_project.php?id=
4) intitle:Real Estates Property inurl:my_account_view_builder_project.php?id=
Seperti yang di jelaskan :
Vulnerable Module(s):
[+] Project-Shree_Balaji_-Ahmedabad-4
[+] property_listings_detail.php?listingid=12[
[+] my_account_edit_builder_project.php?id=37%27
[+] my_account_view_builder_project.php?id=37
Real Estate property is an online real-estate service committed to helping you make wise and profitable decisions related to buying, selling, renting and leasing of properties, in India and key global geographies. It will provide a fresh new approach to our esteemed users to search for properties to buy or rent, and list their properties for selling or leasing. (Copy of the Vendor Homepage: http://www.gharwhar.com)
1.3 Arbiritrary File Upload Arbitrary file upload vulnerability allows the attacker to upload different files that aren\\\\\\\'t images or pdf. The attacker can upload these files after, he/she remans them to file.php.jpg. The null byte get truncated and the the file file.php get uploaded
Vulnerable Module(s):
[+] Property Details - uploading propertied photos
[+] add profile photo
seperti yang di jelaskan :
[+] Upload Hanya bisa Image dan pdf (dibuat berbeda contoh : namafile.php.jpg)
[+] Kalau mau upload tinggal cari module seperti yang di atas contoh: add profile photo
(cari add profile photo upload pakai tamper data,live http header)
admin login bisa anda cari sendiri pakai havij / admin finder.
THx To = Author: Vulnerability-Lab & Don Po (Me)
Silahkan artikan sendiri codenya disini : http://www.exploit-id.com/web-applicatio...rabilities
Real Estates Property CMS 2012 – Multiple Web Vulnerabilities
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