Saturday, April 28, 2012

CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6

[Image: 1332653378_4544.png]
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 - a new graphics package that allows you to confidently move forward any graphic project. Sharp tools, the best on the market compatible files and updated content to help bring creative ideas into professional results, from the colorful logos and signs to the extraordinary marketing materials and attractive web graphics. It consists of vector graphics CorelDRAW X6, raster graphics editor PHOTO-PAINT X6, a program for transforming raster images into vector Corel PowerTRACE X6, a program for creating screenshots Corel CAPTURE X6, as well as e-book to work with the package CorelDRAW Handbook. This package combines the full range of excellent design capabilities, speed and ease of use.
The package provides a complete set of tools for creating illustrations, logos, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, booklets and publicity boards and is the best graphics solution. This software package is perfect for creating new trends in the fashion industry and the development of designer clothes. Create intricate designs and distribute them over the image field will help you a powerful arsenal of tools. CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT significantly expanded its capabilities over previous versions, and analogs of the software industry.

Program Title: CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6
Program Version:
The latest version:
Language: English
Medicine: there
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